Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Famous British crushes

To hell with the notion that once you get married, you stop looking at other people. John and I each have a famous British crush, and we don't hide it from each other, either. There's no reason to. I have had a crush on this British actor named Andrew Knott since I was like 14. The wierd thing is, is that half the time, Andrew is really gorgeous, and the other half the time, he's ugly as a mother fucker. There's no in-between with him.
He looks ugly as hell here, here (on the left), and here. I saw that movie, History Boys, and it had to be the worst movie ever. It had no point. Pictures where Andrew Knott is good looking-
here, here (on the right), here, and here (fourth from right).

John likes this British singer named Lilly Allen.
Some of her music videos crack me up, especially the one I linked to above. She does really subtle humor in her videos. If you blink, you miss it.

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